Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Stevie, Day 24 - Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I spoke with Megan around 4:15 today and every other sentence began with, "stop it!" or "no!"
She said that Stevie had been going nuts for about an hour and a half, running around and getting into things. I told her that was pretty much a Min Pin, just normal stuff. She said when she came home today, there were toys strewn from one end of the hallway to the other. Then Stevie decided that way more fun than toys was... newspaper!

Stevie is growing and when I saw her on Sunday, it was distinctly noticeable whereas it had not been last week. She's getting to that "gangly" all legs stage soon. I am going to try to figure out how to post photos on this site, though I notice there is a note at the top of the page that there's a "scheduled outage at 7pm PST", which is about now, so I don't know how far I'll get tonight.

Petie - IMPS founder - has mentioned putting a link to this blog on Mag's Success Stories page, so we may soon have many more folks reading about Stevie. I cracked up when Megan told me she was late for work today because she was trying to read the entire history I had posted last night... I said, but it's YOUR dog! You already know the story! She still had to read it and was most interested in the responses from folks in our TX IMPS group, which she had not seen.

Stay tuned for more Stevie updates.

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